Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The movie,Igby Goes Down, is relevant to Catcher in the Rye. This movie is about a teenage boy who flees from his wealthy and self -absorbed mother. Igby"father is schizophrenic patient who has been commited into an institute .Igby dreads that one day he too may have mental illness like his father.
Like Holden ,Igby too has flunked out of several schools,and he ends up in a military academy where he is bullied by his fellow student . According to Mimi, Igby's mother , Igby does not take responsibility for his action and he has been like this since childhood. As a child he would blame his toy bear Digby for things he had done ,and whenever he did this his family would call him Igby,and thus he was named Igby.
Holden and Igby are both quiet similar personalities:they both blame others around them for their downfall, and they both feel that the rest of the world is against them

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